Dress Form Christmas Trees

Here are the website links to the creators of the projects featured in this category.
Sometimes the images are from Pinterest and the creator is not listed.
Please let us know if you have information on creators we have not credited.
Cover Photo:  MannequinMadness.com
Row 1:
1. Creator: Tiffany Boone, 3rd place winner in a Dress Form Christmas Tree contest 
       2. Creator: Unknown found on Pinterest
3. Creator: A Mannequin Madness customer made this using our tutorial for a winter wedding.
4. Creator: Christmas Decoration at White House  2014
Row 2:
1. Creator : Unknown found on Pinterest
                2. Creator:MannequinMadness.com
3.Creator: Unknown found on Pinterest
           4 .Creator: Unknown found on Pinterest
Row 3:
1. Creator : Unknown found on Pinterest
2. Creator : MannequinMadness.com
4. Creator : Unknown found on Pinterest