The #1 Source for:
-Retail Mannequins & Dress Forms For Sale (we price match)
-Used Mannequins at Discount Prices
-Creative DIY Projects With Mannequins
-Mannequin Recycling
Curious to learn more about us? Click the button below.
Ready to buy, rent or recycle mannequins or use them for arts and crafts? Scroll down.


We have a large and diverse selection of mannequins for sale. And we have used mannequins at discount prices and a mannequin graveyard for bargain shoppers.
There is no minimum order requirement and most items ship two business days after your order is placed.


Mannequins are a canvas for a wide (and wild) variety of creative projects which you can see in our photo gallery of mannequin DIY projects.
In our mannequin showroom we host several arts and crafts classes using mannequin torsos and heads.

If your mannequin or dress form needs fixin' - we sell replacement parts. And we have a library of tutorials so you can learn how to do minor repairs on on your mannequin.


It sounds crazy...but it's true. We rescue department store mannequins from a grizzly demise in a landfill.
You see...mannequins are made from materials that don't decompose.. If they go to the landfill...generations a thousand years from now, will discover them as if they were buried Egyptian statues.
So, we offer free mannequin recycling to give mannequins a long and purposeful life.

Answers to questions about shipping, returns, assembly instructions, gift cards and more are in this section.
You will also find a link to our blog and answers to questions about determining the value of a vintage mannequin you have to sell.
We might use AI technology to generate website images, but all answers to the FAQ were written by humans. Even the boiler plate language for the privacy policy was written by a human.